Need Some Inspiration? Try Our Open Door Shows…

A new Open Door show will be released on our YouTube channel at 7.00pm every other Thursday. To watch the latest show, simply click the button below.

Open Door is the fortnightly property development magazine show, where Ritchie and Ian interview the movers and shakers from the development world, and chew the fat on all things property-related.

Just 30 minutes long, the Open Door shows are released every other Thursday at 7pm (excluding April, August and December) on propertyCEO’s YouTube channel. They’re also available as a podcast on your favourite platform. You’re welcome to submit any questions you would like to have answered in advance of each show – for information on forthcoming topics and guests, and details of how to submit a question, please click the button below:

Watch our previous Open Door shows below:

Open Door #134

With a general election expected to place in the UK before the end of 2024, and the UK being short of approximately 1.5 million homes, many property developers will be wondering how a new government will impact them. In this episode of Open Door our host Ritchie Clapson shares his expert knowledge to give an insight into what Property Developers can expect if a new government is elected.

Open Door #133

Permitted Development Rights are on the increase, allowing properties to be converted more quickly and with less risk. These advantages will open MASSIVE opportunities for small scale developers. In this episode of Open Door our planning guru Colin Smith of CJS Planning shares his inside tips and hacks to help you unlock profits from property development in 2024.

Open Door #132

Hear from one of propertyCEO’s very own students how it’s possible to become a property developer without any previous development experience. In this episode of Open Door, propertyCEO’s Dan Nelson is joined by Aaisha Qureshi, founder of MHBQ Developments Ltd. Hear the story of how Aaisha went from a career in finance to becoming a property developer. Aaisha will also share some invaluable lessons she has learned along the way and offers insights for aspiring small-scale property developers.

Open Door #131

Everyone loves getting a good deal, and property developers are no exception! But how can finance brokers help make sure that YOU are getting the best deal? In this episode of Open Door Ritchie is joined by Hugh Spillane, Chief Commercial Officer of independent finance and insurance brokerage DNA Financial Solutions. Hugh shares his knowledge of how and why using a financial broker can help you get the best deal for your property development project.

Open Door #130

Whether you’re a seasoned professional in the property industry, or a newcomer navigating the complex world of property development for the first time, one thing is certain – you need to protect your profits! How can JCT (Joint Contracts Tribunal) Contracts help de-risk your project? In this episode of Open Door Ritchie is joined by Joshua Munt, Operations & New Business Manager of bespoke brokerage Insurance Desk Services. Josh shares his insights on the importance of JCT contracts, and how the right insurance can safeguard your investment in the event something goes wrong.

Open Door #129

All successful entrepreneurs will tell you that PR is KEY to growth, from widening your audience to enhancing your credibility as a business. But how do you apply the principles of PR to property? In this episode of Open Door Ian is joined by Chantal Cooke, founder of Panpathic Communications, who shares her tips on how to leverage PR for your property business.

Open Door #128

Will 2024 be a good year for property developers? Ritchie reflects back on what we can learn from 2023 and looks ahead at the opportunities for developers in 2024.

Open Door #127

Asking private investors for the money to fund your development project can be daunting. So if you’re wondering whether there’s an alternative, then you NEED to listen to this! In this episode, Ritchie is joined by Ashish Saraff, founder and CEO of Novyy, who explains the advantages of ‘mezzanine’ finance and how it can help new small-scale developers.

Open Door #126

Crafting a compelling online presence is the goal for any new business. But for a property developer, a good website can give you the credibility you need to be taken seriously by commercial agents, private investors and commercial lenders. In this episode of Open Door, Ian unveils the 10 most common errors he sees with new business websites so you know what to avoid!

Open Door #125

What should you look for when choosing a solicitor? And when in your development journey should you appoint one? Ritchie is joined by Tim Bishop, owner of Bonallack & Bishop Solicitors and active property developer, who stresses the importance of using specialist property lawyers over traditional conveyancers who fail to understand the unique needs of developers. Tim also explains the impact of leasehold reforms.

Open Door #124

Should you work with a large architectural practice? Or would you be better off hiring a smaller outfit or sole trader? In this episode of the Open Door show, Ritchie talks to architect Dorell Thompson of D’well Design-build, about how he got into architecture and how he supports small-scale property developers in delivering their projects. Dorell also reveals the three main things he sees developers getting wrong – so you can make sure you’re not one of them!

Open Door #123

Building relationships is KEY to success in property development, from finding private investors to creating a professional team. But are you missing a trick when it comes to networking? In this episode of Open Door, Ian reveals how you can master that all-important first coffee meeting with a new connection and take your relationship-building to a whole new level.

Open Door #122

The UK government has proposed some GAME-CHANGING updates to permitted development rights to help tackle the housing shortage, with implications for hotels, barns, commercial units and more. These changes will open up HUGE opportunities for developers in the know! To fill you in, Ritchie is joined on the Open Door show by our planning guru Colin Smith of CJS Planning for the latest scoop.

Open Door #121

Are you sitting on the sidelines, watching the UK property market’s uncertain descent? Simon Zutshi, founder of property investors network (pin), has been in the property game since 1995 and successfully weathered market downturns while teaching investors how to do the same. He joins Ritchie on the Open Door show to discuss how, while uncertainty prevails, so do opportunities, especially for those who are well-prepared. Simon reveals his personal pick for the ultimate current market strategy and the reasoning behind it.

Open Door #120

Would you like to increase the value and improve the saleability of your developments? (I mean, who wouldn’t?!) Well, employing a great interior designer can help you do exactly that. Ritchie is joined by Gabriel Avramoaica, Managing Director of ARI Studio, to discuss the importance of space planning and interior design for property developers, and why it’s so much more than a few scatter cushions and a feature wall or two.

Open Door #119

What’s the secret to delivering your property deals on time and on budget? There are two things that will be right at the top of your list – assembling a great team and avoiding pitfalls. In this episode, Ritchie chats to Tony Horsey, owner of Ortus, a leading consultancy providing architectural, planning, and project management services to developers. Tony offers some great advice for new developers on how they can find the best professionals for their professional team. He also shares the top 3 pitfalls new developers encounter when entering the world of development, based on his 30+ years in the business.

Open Door #118

Japanese knotweed; two words that can strike fear into the heart of any property buyer… But should sites with Japanese knotweed be avoided at all costs? Or could they be opportunities in disguise? In this episode, Ritchie sits down with Dean Wild, director of Solutions 4 Japanese Knotweed (S4JK), to uncover the challenges and risks associated with this invasive plant species and the implications for developers. We also take a look at whether you can get funding on a site with Japanese knotweed, and whether it’s possible to get rid of Japanese knotweed altogether.

Open Door #117

After a successful career in commercial interior design, Jo Balston transitioned into property development with the desire to spend more quality time with her son. Hear the story of how Jo met her business partner on our mentorship programme, found a deal, got funding and completed her first development. Jo also shares the key lessons she’s learned along the way and offers invaluable advice for aspiring small-scale property developers

Open Door #116

What’s the marketplace like in 2023? And is property development a good business to get into right now? Ritchie Clapson answers these questions and reveals why he considers property development the best property business strategy out there, and what you need to do to get involved.

Open Door #115

No-one likes to think that things could go wrong, but getting the right insurance coverage is crucial to safeguarding your investments as a developer. Ritchie chats to Josh Munt from bespoke brokerage Insurance Desk Services about the various risks that can affect a project, navigating policy options and at what stage you should bring in an insurance expert.

Open Door #114

How do developers find deals before they’re put up in the estate agent’s window or online portal for everyone to see? In this episode, Ian expounds on how building relationships with the right people can open the door to those elusive off-market deals.

Open Door #113

Would you like to improve the chances of your planning applications getting approved? And what about increasing the value and saleability of your projects? Well, let us introduce you to little-known world of Landscape Architecture, a frequently overlooked aspect of development, that can do exactly that. In this episode of Open Door, Ritchie chats to Hilary Newhall CMLI, a chartered Landscape Architect with 30 years’ experience, about what landscape architecture is, the biggest benefits for small-scale developers and when exactly you should bring a landscape architect in on a project.

Open Door #112

Ian reckons he’s identified the perfect strategy for people looking to make money from property development – but without doing any developing! It’s ideal for people who don’t have a great deal of cash to invest or who perhaps don’t want to get involved in the construction side of things. Better still, he reckons this market is VERY underserved – which means there’s a big opportunity for a relatively small number of people.

Open Door #111

Have you ever wondered what the most common causes of disputes are in property development? And what’s the crucial thing that you need to uncover when considering a site for development? Ritchie is joined by specialist solicitor in property litigation and dispute resolution, Simone Ritchie, Director & Head of Property and Litigation at Woodstock Legal Services, who answers these questions and more.

Open Door #110

Time is your most valuable asset, but when it comes to starting a property development business it can certainly feel as though you haven’t got enough of it! In this show, Ian looks at the power of outsourcing and how it can transform your business and your life.

Open Door #109

For many people, the word ‘development’ conjures up images of shiny, new build houses. But Ritchie has a stark warning for new developers. In this show, he explains why you should AVOID new build development and what you SHOULD do instead.

Open Door #108

Procrastination is hard-wired into all of us. But what can you do about it? While it might seem a harmless habit, for a property developer, procrastination could stop you finding that six-figure profit deal. In this episode, Ian Child explores what procrastination is, why we do it and some strategies you can implement to overcome it.

Open Door #107

In this show, Ritchie is joined by Dan Nelson, an established property developer, landlord and business coach who has worked in the property industry for almost 20 years and is also propertyCEO’s very own Client Relations Director. From a corporate job in London to working abroad in real estate, and returning to the UK to develop property, hear how Dan got his start in the industry and the biggest lessons he’s learned along the way.

Open Door #106

Being a training company we get to see the good and the bad when it comes to property development. In this episode Ian shines a light on the most common problems that he encounters with new and less experienced developers. Or, put another way, fix these ten things and you could MASSIVELY supercharge your development business!

Open Door #105

Would you like a property strategy that will get you through any recession? Perhaps even thrive in a recession? Ritchie reveals the strategy that, when done right, works whatever the economic climate.

Open Door #104

Imposter syndrome is a phenomenon that affects the majority of the population. But what exactly is it, and more importantly, what can you do if you’re struggling with it? In this show, our very own mindset expert, Ian Child, explores this common pattern of thinking, where it stems from and what you can do about it.

Open Door #103

What is happening in 2023 in the property market and what are likely to be the most profitable property strategies to pursue? Ritchie chats with Simon Zutshi, founder of property investors network (pin), about where the interesting opportunities lie this year and how best to take advantage of them.

Open Door #102

What do developers do wrong when dealing with commercial agents? And how can you get in their little black book? Ritchie speaks to Kirsty Darkins, Chartered Commercial Property Surveyor, who shares her inside knowledge on how to build relationships with commercial property agents and win off-market commercial deals.

Open Door #101

Construction contracts… while not the most glamorous of subjects, making sure we get things right at the beginning can help avoid disputes, ensure your development runs smoothly and save you a lot of money! Ritchie is joined by Michael Taylor of Hawthorn Commercial Services, a specialist in construction law and risk management. He’s the one that picks up the pieces when people fail to take contracts seriously. Michael shares the three biggest things that inexperienced contract administrators get wrong.

Open Door #100

In this episode, Ritchie chats to Raj Beri, co-editor of property magazine Your Property Network, about his journey from corporate world to property investor. Raj also shares his thoughts on where you should focus your efforts in these turbulent times and how to get started in property investment.

Open Door #99

What are the key permitted development rights new developers should be looking at? And which ones should you steer clear of? In this week’s show, Ritchie quizzes James Hutchison, Director of town planning consultancy Corbil Planning Ltd, on what he believes are the best opportunities for small-scale developers in today’s market.

Open Door #98

Working with someone else in property can be a great way to pool resources and skills, but it’s not without its pitfalls. In this week’s episode of Open Door, Ritchie is joined by Joanna Rogers of NaviStar Legal who explains what a ‘joint venture’ is, the benefits of joint venturing and, most importantly, the biggest misconceptions and risks.

Open Door #97

One of the biggest questions for any new developer is how they can get credibility. After all, they’ve not yet built anything, so who on earth will want to sell them a deal or lend them money? In this Open Door show, Ian reveals the secrets to getting credibility right out of the blocks, even if you’ve never developed property before.

Open Door #96

If you’re considering getting into property development, it’s important to frame it as a company – not just a ‘strategy’. In this show, we explore the skills you need to successfully run your own property development company and the hurdles you need to overcome, such as imposter syndrome.

Open Door #95

Property is a people business, so making great connections is crucial. But there’s a problem – most people are terrible at networking! But never fear, as in this episode Ian shares some top tips for excelling at it, even if you don’t think you’re a born networker!

Open Door #94

Rising inflation, cost-of-living and mortgage rates… what’s going on in the world and how does this affect new developers? Ritchie and Ian discuss the UK property market in a world of uncertainty and what you can do NOW to protect yourself.

Open Door #93

In this episode, Ritchie Clapson is joined by Jay Howard, Director of Hammered Auctions and co-author of Before the Hammer Falls: The Insider’s Guide to Property Auction Success. Jay shares with us his 18+ years’ experience on many aspects of buying and selling properties, including the advantages or buying at auction and his three top tips for getting the best property deals at auctions.

Open Door #92

How early in my project should I think about appointing a structural engineer, and how do I find a good one? Award-winning structural engineer and best-selling author Derek Mason of Super Structures Associates answers these questions and also reveals the most common mistakes he sees new developers make.

Open Door #91

It’s not always a lack of knowledge that holds people back in property development, sometimes people just get in their own way. Cara Moore ICF PCC, leading life coach and Head Mindset Coach at propertyCEO, helps people get out of their own way so they can get the best results and be a successful property developer. In this episode, Cara reveals the top 3 mindset blockers that property developers encounter, and shares her wisdom on overcoming these problems. Contact Cara Moore:

Open Door #90

Would you like to get an insight into what project managers and cost consultants are seeing in the industry at the moment? In this show, Ritchie and Ian interview leading project management and cost consulting expert Dan Stiles, head of Syndicate Group Southern, to get the inside track on materials and labour price costs, what you should look for in a project manager, the best time to appoint one, and much more.

Open Door #89

Simon Zutshi sat down with Ritchie Clapson to record an exclusive Open Door ‘Special’ where he spoke about what he believes is going to be the buying opportunity of the decade.

Open Door #88

On this show we’re joined by no other than Simon Zutshi, founder of property investors network and creator of the legendary Property Mastermind Programme. We discuss how small-scale property development has created a huge opportunity for both new and experienced landlords – and, more importantly, how to take advantage of it. Plus we announce some rather exciting news!

Open Door #87

Obtaining funds to develop property needs to be simple and quick – but exactly how easy is it in reality? Our special guest this week is Rory O’Mara, the founder & CEO of specialist lender and broker Closed Bridging Finance. Rory and his team work with the property investment community and their goal is to get deals done fast with the minimum fuss possible.

Open Door #86

Viewing properties is an essential part of the job as a developer or landlord… and yet most people are terrible at it! In this show, Ritchie reveals his top 5 tips for doing viewings: the key things you need to be thinking about, looking for and questioning when you look around any property.

Open Door #85

Inheritance tax is often referred to as the voluntary tax because with a little planning you can avoid paying it. But first you need to know the art of the possible… Back by popular demand we’re joined by John Ireland, Managing Director of Legacy Wills, to uncover the important decisions you can make now to protect your hard-earned assets for generations to come.

Open Door #84

We’re talking all about deal sourcing in this show, with someone who has a unique solution to this perennial challenge. Guy Rees heads up UK Property Angels (UKPA), an organisation that takes a smart, data-led approach to finding off-market commercial to residential deals and supplies these to its network of property experts. UKPA is also mission-driven to help re-purpose as much property as possible to help house vulnerable and less fortunate people with strategies like Supported Living. Guy outlines how their systemised and focused approach to property aims to make a big difference and help property developers and investors benefit from great deals

Open Door #83

How can you be successful in small-scale property development? In this show, Ritchie Clapson and Ian Child reveal the things that most new developers DON’T do right so that you can stand out from the crowd.

Open Door #82

With rising interest rates and talk of a looming recession, what is happening in the property market? On this week’s show, we’re joined by Peter Vandervennin, Director of The Mortgage Consultancy, a finance expert with over 35 years’ experience. Peter talks us through the current state of the market and where he sees it going in the second half of 2022.

Open Door #81

They say “good things come to those who wait”, but when it comes to any great business or investment opportunity, if you wait too long, you’ll miss the boat! Opportunity only comes to those that take action at the right time. So in this Open Door session, we’ll reveal the latest property opportunities that are happening RIGHT NOW that you could be taking advantage of.

Open Door #80

Want to know the professional property developer’s approach to commercial finance? Will Lucey, commercial finance broker at Luc Capital Limited, returns to the show to tell all. He also reflects on the current market conditions and how he thinks it could affect developers going forward.

Open Door #79

What are the three BIGGEST mistakes that new developers make? And how can you avoid them? In this show, we answer these questions so that you can put your best foot forward in the world of property development.

Open Door #78

One of the challenges with property development is that the profits only materialise at the end. But what if you could get paid to develop property as you went along? Think it sounds too good to be true? Well, tune in to find out how you can pay yourself a monthly salary while doing your first development.

Open Door #77

The UK planning system has experienced a radical overhaul over the last 2 years, creating the ideal opportunity for new developers to enter the market. And it’s the job of people like Colin Smith of CJS Planning to keep up to date on the ins and outs of these changes so we don’t have to! Planning expert Colin returns to the show to update us all on the latest planning opportunities for developers, and answer your planning-related questions.

Open Door #76

We’ve had a lot of people asking for our thoughts on how the tragic events that are unfolding in Ukraine are likely to affect the UK property market. And for many people, the big question is ‘what will it mean for property developers?’ So, we thought it would be helpful to share our thoughts regarding Ukraine in this show.

Open Door #75

Property development can generate a lot of cash, but as with all wealth creation it carries risk. So how can you mitigate that risk as far as possible and protect yourself from nasty surprises? We reveal all in this show, including what kind of projects you should be looking at and the things you NEED to being doing to de-risk your deals.

Open Door #74

As a developer, your chosen contractor has a HUGE impact on the success of your project. But how can you make sure you pick a good one? We’ve all heard the horror stories about contractors not finishing jobs, going bust, charging for extras, and so on… Tune in to find out the secret to finding an honest, hardworking, and committed contractor who won’t leave you high and dry.

Open Door #73

Last week we heard about the government’s new ‘levelling up’ plans that will mean around 800,000 buy-to-let properties will need to be upgraded by their owners. For landlords, this comes on the back of tax increases, regulatory changes and rent arrears exacerbated by the pandemic. But there’s a strategy that could boost profits and supercharge portfolio growth: Meet the new breed of landlord who combines small-scale property development with building a buy-to-let portfolio. In this show, we’re joined by Adam Lawrence and Sue Sims, successful portfolio landlords and co-founders of Partners In Property, to understand why this hybrid model has been described as ‘portfolio building on steroids’.

Open Door #72

They say the only things certain in life are death and taxes. But while we can’t do much about the former, we know a man who could help you pay less of the latter. Asset protection is an essential tool in your armoury when it comes to ensuring your wealth goes where you want it to. You’d be amazed how many people gift their money to the tax man simply because they don’t know the facts.

Open Door #71

How do you know that what you build will actually sell? While it’s the last part of the process, selling certainly shouldn’t be an afterthought. After all, you’ve got to sell your units to receive your profit. In this show, we show you how to put yourself in the best possible position to sell what you’ve built. Plus we reveal the essential due diligence YOU need to do to make sure you get it right from the start and boost your chances of a quick sale.

Open Door #70

It’s not easy finding a GREAT property development deal. But there are things that you can do to help ensure your success – things that many other people DON’T do. On this show, we lift the lid on the tricks of the trade that can help you find some cracking deals. And, of course, it’s not just about finding a property – you’ve also got to know what to do with it. After all, it’s only a deal if you know how to make a healthy profit, so we cover that too.

Open Door #69

As we enter the New Year, people are hoping we’re heading back towards “business as usual” in property development. But could there be further surprises just around the corner? In our first Open Door show of the 2022, we look at what the current Covid situation means for property developers. We also reveal what we believe lies in store for you if you’re thinking about starting a project in 2022…

Open Door #68

Ever wondered what Ritchie’s biggest pet peeves are when it comes to property development? Well on this show, Ian tries to guess the top 5 things that rile Ritchie up the most! Ritchie is renowned for speaking his mind, so we’re sure to go out with a BANG on what is the LAST show of the year!

Open Door #67

What if we were to tell you that developing property successfully is almost certainly easier than you think? You see, many people go about development the WRONG way, making common mistakes and generally making life A LOT more difficult than it needs to be. So, if you want to know how to make property development a whole lot easier, tune in to find out!

Open Door #66

The ‘Queen of Social Housing,’ Sue Sims, joined us on this show! With over 30 years of experience, Sue has built up a portfolio of buy-to-lets, HMOs and serviced accommodation. She is also co-founder of Partners in Property – an independent property network meeting. Sue shares her passion and knowledge on the social housing buy-to-let model, as well as explaining how it compares to other strategies.

Open Door #65

We’ve received LOADS of questions about banks, and the market seems to be full of them at the moment… But is converting a bank into residential a good idea or should you steer well clear? There’s definitely less competition – but exactly how difficult are they to convert? And what on earth do you do with the vaults?

Open Door #64

How common is ‘gazumping’ when it comes to the property development market? And what steps can you take to prevent someone pinching a project off you? If you’ve not thought that this could happen to YOU, then you really NEED to get the lowdown! We answer these questions PLUS give you top tips to prevent someone pinching your deals in this show.

Open Door #63

Ritchie and Ian streamed this Open Door show live from London, on the eve of the first day of the Property Investor Show 2021 at the ExCel. The Property Investor Show is the UK’s leading free to attend event for those serious about making money from property. We chat about how to get the maximum value out of events like this and give a sneak preview as to what propertyCEO will be up to at the show.

Open Door #62

Recently, there’s been lots of news stories about the shortages of construction materials caused by Covid-19, Brexit, the blockage of the Suez Canal and a shortage of delivery drivers. But what does this mean for both new developers as well as those that have projects currently underway? Should YOU be concerned? And how long will we have to wait until things get back to normal? It’s a subject that’s been on a lot of people’s minds, so we’re going to address it on this show

Open Door #61

Whenever anyone talks about joint ventures, they always highlight the importance of doing due diligence on anyone you’re going into business with – but no one ever actually says what that due diligence is!

On this show, we’re joined by Tim Bishop, owner of Bonallack & Bishop Solicitors, a law firm which specialises in a range of property related issues including: buying and selling residential and commercial property, title splitting, and, you guessed it, joint venture agreements!

Tim shares the kind of due diligence you should carry out on any joint venture partner and reveals his brand-new, exclusive joint-venture partner due diligence checklist. Tim is also an active property developer and investor in his own right, with experience of commercial to residential conversion, HMOs and serviced accommodation.

Open Door #60

Ritchie is joined by Adam Lawrence – and his crystal ball – to chat about the state of the property market and where it’s heading.

Adam brings invaluable insight to both finance and property. He began his career in wealth management before building a huge portfolio of properties, completing over 300 purchases in the last 10 years.

He is also co-founder of Partners In Property, a unique community for property people that hosts networking events across the country.

Open Door #59

Fresh from our summer break, we’re back with a new series of Open Door, bringing 45 minutes of pure property development insight and entertainment to your Thursday evenings.

In this show, we fill you in on the latest goings-on in the world of property development, including some important changes to Permitted Development Rights that came into effect just last month.

And there’s one particular question that a lot of people have been asking: What is the new ‘super Class G’, and how does it compare to the new Class MA? And what’s so ‘super’ about it? Keep watching as we unravel all the mysteries of class G

Open Door #58

Property development is one of the most highly leveraged business models in the world – you appoint a team of professionals to work for you that between them have centuries of experience and have built thousands of homes.

But how, exactly, do you pull this amazing team together? On this show, we explain not only how to find the right people, but also why they’ll be thrilled to work with you, even though you’ve never developed property before.

Open Door #57

This week we’re joined by award-winning property lawyer, Paul Sams, from top legal firm Dutton Gregory.

Paul’s seen it all when it comes to property development, both the good and the downright bad! He reveals how new developers can get an invaluable edge when it comes to their developments.

He also demonstrates how indispensable having a good property lawyer on your team can be – you may be surprised by the benefits!

Paul Sam’s book:…

Open Door #56

They say that money makes the world go round, and for the aspiring property developer, this is undoubtedly true.

The big question is, how do you get your hands on it?

Well in this show, Ritchie takes you through the five things that will make finding the money for your next property development project a lot easier.

Open Door #55

Are auctions back in the room yet? How has lockdown affected sellers and buyers?

And what does the future hold?

We’re joined by auction expert Russell Hartnell-Parker from Fox and Sons Auctioneers, to answer these questions and more.

02380 338066

Open Door #54

Back by popular demand, we’ve got our resident planning guru, Colin Smith, on the show to tell you about some important changes to the latest permitted development rights.

These are unprecedented times in the world of planning, so if you want to get the very latest info, be sure to tune in.

Open Door #53

This week’s news that the easing of lockdown restrictions will be delayed until 19th July was a huge blow for many.

But what does it mean for property development?

In this show, we’ll be looking at the impact the lockdown has had, and why another month’s lockdown could be viewed as an advantage for proactive developers.

Open Door #52

Finding money for developments is always a major concern for new developers, but could crowdfunding be the answer?

In recent years, this alternative to traditional lending has become well-established and now looks to be going from strength to strength.

We’re joined by CEO and co-founder of leading peer-to-peer lender CrowdProperty, Mike Bristow, to explain exactly how new developers can finance their projects through crowdfunding. He’ll also be giving us an up-to-the-minute view on how he sees the market, as well as explaining how crowdfunding can offer a number of key advantages over commercial lenders.

Find out more about CrowdProperty at Apply for funding for your property projects in just 5 minutes at Connect with and message Mike Bristow at

Do also follow CrowdProperty on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Open Door #51

The conversion of commercial buildings into residential homes has been happening for many years and has proved to be a very lucrative strategy for developers.

Thanks to permitted development rights, it’s still a great strategy – but how can you find an edge when so many developers are chasing the same thing?

In this show, we reveal the hidden opportunities that lie in today’s world of commercial conversions; opportunities that pass most developers by!

Open Door #50

We’re delighted to welcome back William Lucey, head of finance brokers Luc Capital, whose expertise is helping both new and established property developers find funding for their projects.

Not only will he be letting us know how developers can get the best chance of securing lending, he’ll be reflecting on the current market conditions and how he thinks it could affect developers going forward.

Luc Capital Limited disclaimer: Please note the inclusion of William Lucey’s comments in this video does not constitute personalised advice. For information about Luc Capital Limited, please visit the following website:

Open Door #49

We’re back with another series of Open Door to continue giving you the inside track on the world of small-scale property development.

And we’re hitting the ground running with special guest Duane Walker, director of one of the South of England’s leading chartered surveyors and commercial estate agents, Primmer Olds BAS.

Duane will be giving us his views on the market in 2021 and revealing some of the current opportunities for developers.

Open Door #48

Where do so many property people get it wrong? They fail to apply some basic business skills and knowledge to their new enterprise. And as a result, they often pay too much tax and fail to achieve their business goals. So what’s the solution?

In this show, our very own Business Coach, Jan Beldon, joins us to provide some answers. A qualified business coach and mentor with over 30 years’ business and finance leadership experience, Jan’s straight-talking approach will leave you in no doubt how you can make your business start firing on all cylinders.

Open Door #47

Money is the fuel for every development project, but exactly how easy is it to obtain development finance? And is it really possible to borrow 100% of what you need? Tune in to this Open Door session to hear property finance expert Rory O’Mara from Closed Bridging Finance explain all.

Open Door #46

Bigger developments equal bigger profits. So, what’s not to like?

Tune in this Open Door session to find out why, when it comes to development, the secret is understanding why small projects are the way to go. And if you’ve not thought about getting into development before, we’ll be explaining why these smaller projects might just tempt you in…

Open Door #45

Chancellor Rishi Sunak has just delivered the spring budget 2021, but what do this week’s announcements mean for property developers?

In this show, we highlight the budget’s impact on the property market and small-scale development.

Open Door #44

Property developers don’t build houses – their team do! So getting your professional team right is crucial to your success.

In this session, we break down a 5 step plan for putting together your ideal property development team.

Open Door #43

The coronavirus pandemic has plunged Britain’s economy into a recession, but what does this mean for property developers?

In this show, we’ll be sharing how you can get some of the best development deals during a recession.

Open Door #42

Buying a scheme that already has planning sounds ideal, doesn’t it? It’s boxed up and ready to go with less risk… Well think again!

In this show we’ll be telling you why buying a scheme with planning is not always the best solution…

We’ll also be giving you your weekly round-up of all of the important news affecting small-scale property development – you don’t want to miss it.

Open Door #41

The architect plays a key role in a developer’s professional team. But have you ever wondered how to find a good one, or when exactly to appoint one?

Well you’re in luck, because we’re joined by top architect Mike Sandhu of SC Architecture. He’ll be answering your questions and sharing how he sees 2021 unfolding in the development world.

We’ll also be giving you a round-up of all the latest news in the world of small-scale property development – there seems to be a lot going on at the moment!

Open Door #40

We’re back with your weekly round-up of the important news affecting property development.

We’ll be discussing the big issues for housing at the moment, from vaccine rollouts to business closures, and telling you why homes in London could soon have smaller windows than rest of UK!

Open Door #39

In this show we’ll be updating you on the latest news that affects the world of property development.

From housing market and construction news to Covid-19 and the economy, we’ll be filling you in on all you need to know.

Open Door #38

Last week we gazed into our crystal ball at some of the exciting things that are likely to happen over the next 12 months in the world of property development.

But how can you make sure that YOU have the best possible chance of achieving your own goals for 2021?

In this session we talk about the changes you can make that will give you the BEST possible chance of success – whatever goals you’ve set yourself.

Open Door #37

Happy New Year! We’re back with another series of Open Door to continue giving a boost of positivity to your Thursday evenings.

And fresh out of the blocks, we’re going to be asking a key question – what will 2021 have in store for us all in the world of property development?

Predictability wasn’t exactly a strong suit for 2020, so can we possibly make sense of 2021? Keep watching to find out!

Open Door #36

We thought 2020 had no more surprises in store, but how wrong we were! The last few days have seen yet another planning thunderbolt from the government’s Ministry of Housing. Just like buses…

And it’s one that looks set to take Permitted Development opportunities in England to a whole new level in 2021, as it allows for a raft of different building types to be converted into residential use without planning permission, irrespective of their size.

So join us for this last Open Door of the year, as we update you on this latest planning news and the opportunities it’s likely to bring. Plus we’ll be reflecting on what has been a unique year in so many respects and looking forward to what’s shaping up to be a really exciting 2021.

Open Door #35

We end a tumultuous year with a visit from one of our most popular guests, planning expert Colin Smith.

Given all of the planning changes in 2020, where does Colin see the biggest planning opportunities for small-scale developers as we head into 2021? And what has been the impact of these changes over the last few months?

Open Door #34

Well, Open Door #33 was so good that we just had to go again!

Lots of wide-ranging questions, covering many aspects of property development including how to get finance for your projects and a look at what sort of experience you need to get started in development.

Open Door #33

This show was your opportunity to ask us anything!

Ritchie and Ian answer your questions, shine a light on current opportunities and generally try to bring some positivity to your day.

Maybe you want to know where the market is headed? Or to find out the biggest mistakes that we see people make in development? The biggest opportunities in 2021? Perhaps you’ve just been wondering what Ritchie’s favourite biscuits are, and does he ever share them around…

Open Door #32

How can some people develop property without getting involved in all of the day-to-day stresses and strains?

And if you were new to development, how amazing would it be to have an experienced pair of eyes and ears talking to the contractor and the architect on your behalf?

Welcome to the Developer’s Secret Weapon a.k.a the Project Manager.

In this show we’re joined by project management and cost consulting expert Dan Stiles, head of Syndicate Project Management and DDS (UK) Consulting. Who better to give us insight into how a PM can make development A LOT easier for developers.

Open Door #31

Deals are essential for any developer, but there’s a few mistakes that new developers make that make it nigh impossible to secure them.

In this show, we help you avoid those mistakes by telling you how to deal with estate agents and vendors, and perhaps most importantly, how to look like a credible developer.

Open Door #30

Would you like to become more productive, less stressed and more successful? (who wouldn’t!)

Well, that’s exactly what this week’s Open Door guest helps her clients achieve.

On this show we were joined by top leadership and mindset coach, Cara Moore, who helps business owners and senior executives create the life they want through the power of her coaching.

And as one of propertyCEO’s very own mindset coaches, Cara knows exactly what mindset problems get in the way of most developers and their success, and how they can be addressed.

Open Door #29

Let’s be honest, pensions aren’t always the most exciting of subjects – but that can all change when it comes to property development!

As a developer, do you know how you could tap into the significant number of people with pensions who are able to lend you money?

And have you ever wondered whether you could you use your own pension pot to invest in property development?

To answer these questions and many others, we’re joined this week by leading pensions expert Kevin Whelan from WealthBuilders.

Open Door #28

How can you find development opportunities? And how do you know when a deal is a good one?

Well it involves much more than searching through Rightmove, that’s for sure! Keep watching to find out how you can find and secure deals with some out of the box thinking…

Open Door #27

Finding development finance is one of the biggest concerns of any aspiring developer. But exactly how easy is it to get the funding you need? Here, Ritchie and Ian give you the lowdown…

Open Door #26

What’s REALLY happening in today’s property development market? We reveal all, including the opportunities presented as we enter a recession, and why you shouldn’t believe everything you hear…

We also answered more of your questions, helping you make the most of the opportunities that are out there.

Open Door #25

On this show we were joined by Dominic Perrin of Bey-Perrin Properties and he’s got one heck of a CV: from Bomb Disposal Officer for the British Army, to Airline Captain, to Property Developer – this was certainly an interesting chat!

Open Door #24

If you need funds to do development and want to know what’s happening right NOW, this is a must watch!

William Lucey, commercial finance broker at Luc Capital Limited, joined us to talk about sourcing development finance from commercial lenders, reflecting on the current market conditions and how he thinks it could affect developers going forward.

Open Door #23

Contamination can often be hidden from view, and many developers acquire contaminated land unknowingly. Yet all too often the dreaded c-word can halt projects and create long-term problems and liabilities for the unsuspecting developer.

So, how can you determine if land is contaminated before you buy it?

And what can you do if it is?

Back by popular demand, Alec Smith of top environmental services company Artisan Environmental joined us to explain how you can handle any nasty surprises and protect yourself and your profit.

Open Door #22

We’re back after a summer break and quite a lot has happened since the last show back in July, not least in the world of planning. People have been asking some important questions:
What’s the best way of capitalising on the new Permitted Development rights that have come in just this month? What opportunities are thrown up for developers by the changes proposed in the government’s new White Paper? And how can developers take full advantage?
With all these planning changes going on, what better guest to have on our first show back than our resident planning expert, Mr Colin Smith of CJS Planning Services.

Open Door #21

In the last show of the season, Ritchie and Ian reflect on what we’ve learned over the last few months in this rather surreal place we all find ourselves. And of course they speculate on what the future might hold for people looking to do small-scale development in 2021 and beyond. Don’t worry – we’ll be back in September to pick up where we left off!

Open Door #20

Ritchie goes it alone and answers your questions, from the right time to start making offers in the current climate, to the ideal first project for a new developer – he covers a lot of ground in this one.

Open Door #19

Auctions can be a great place to nab some property bargains, but they can also have a sting in the tail for unsuspecting developers. That’s why we grabbed auction supremo Russell Hartnell-Parker from Fox and Sons Auctioneers to tell us exactly how we should be going about things. Is the auction room really where we should be looking for deals? And if so, what are the tricks of the trade we need to know about?

If you’ve ever thought that auctions sound a bit daunting, let’s see if Russell can put your mind at rest…

Open Door #18

Some seriously amazing content in this answer-packed session. How can you find development opportunities simply using Google Maps? What’s the best way of getting credibility with commercial agents? And what are the dos and don’ts of venturing on-site as a first-time developer – how should you behave in front of your team and make sure you garner respect from every quarter? All these and many more are answered by Ritchie and Ian during the show.

Open Door #17

As a developer, hiring an interior designer sounds expensive and possibly unnecessary. After all, how tricky can it be to choose carpets and curtains for relatively inexpensive flats? If that was your view, you’re in for a bit of a shock, as property developer and ex interior designer Jo Balston from New Light Property explains – instead of costing you money, your designer could actually make you money and sell your units more quickly. If only you knew how…

Open Door #16

Building a professional team can seem hugely daunting to many aspiring developers. How should they go about it, and how can they make sure they have the best possible chance of finding high-quality candidates? In this show, Ian reveals the key steps involved, plus we answer yet more questions from a knowledge-hungry audience!

Open Door #15

Asbestos and Japanese Knotweed are rarely at the front of every developer’s mind when it comes to planning a project, yet they can so easily catch you out. Alec Smith from Artisan Environmental gives us a fascinating insight into how these two nasties can derail developers, and critically, what you can do about it!

Open Door #14

The architect plays a critical role in all development projects, so it’s high time we got the low down on what makes them tick. Mike Sandhu from SC Architecture gets a grilling in this show and gives us a great insight into how we can get the most out of our design team on projects.

Open Door #13

In this show, we catch up with award-winning structural engineer and best-selling author Derek Mason of Super Structures Associates, who enlightens us on the essential role played by the structural engineer in a development project, plus the many pitfalls that can be avoided by asking the right questions.

Derek used to work for Ritchie in a previous life – but will he be dishing any dirt? There’s only one way to find out…

Open Door #12

Time is a pretty essential ingredient for getting anything done, but we’re not always that effective at using it wisely! In this show, Ritchie quizzes Ian on where most people waste time and what they can do to get some of it back.

We also consider whether pre-apps are a good idea, and why some commentators are predicting a relatively quick bounce back to the housing market despite the Bank of England’s dire ‘worst recession for 300 years’ message.

Open Door #11

The Party Wall Act can often have a sting in the tail for unsuspecting developers who don’t know their stuff, and it could easily lead to expensive delays. But a little knowledge can go a long way, and we’re lucky to have The Party Wall Guy himself, Dil Gujral from 1996 Party Wall Ltd, to give us the lowdown on what we really need to know as developers.

Open Door #10

The UK Government recently gave us a high-level overview of a radical overhaul of the planning system planned for later this year. They also gave us some clear pointers regarding the next wave of permitted development opportunities, which could prove extremely interesting for small-scale developers.

Who better than Ritchie and Ian to guide you through the key points, and zoom in on the golden nuggets!

Open Door #9

Contractors play a pivotal role in the property developer’s team, but what makes them tick? What are the mistakes that can catch new developers out, and how can they position themselves not only to find a good contractor, but also to keep the partnership working well once they’ve found one?

Who better to ask than leading contractors, CDM Group, and in particular their founder and CEO, Mark Legg. In this show, Mark fields some great questions – and gives some excellent answers – you really need to know this stuff!

Open Door #8

There are shirts. And then there are SHIRTS. And Paul Sams of top legal firm Dutton Gregory certainly wasn’t messing about on the sartorial front, when he gave us an amazing insight into what developers do wrong (or could do better) in this show.

See why Paul is one of the most in-demand legal briefs for top property developers, as he gives us the low-down on all things legal, and answers some great questions from the audience. Where else can you get award-winning property lawyers giving you their advice for free? Only on Open Door!

Open Door #7

Who said accountancy and tax is boring? In this great show, we invited entrepreneur, accountant, tax specialist, buy-to-let investor and property developer, Ray Khan from Fresh Accounting and Legal along, and he quickly proved that what he didn’t know about property tax and accounting wasn’t worth knowing!

Not only did we get some great questions answered, Ray also called out some of the key concepts that anyone involved in property should consider sooner rather than later.

Open Door #6

More great questions answered – like what are the five most common mistakes people make with their personal branding? And what are the challenges that face new developers seeking finance, and how do they overcome them?

There’s also a surprising yet entertaining gift from an allegedly anonymous source, and one of the presenters completely loses the plot and doesn’t know what day of the week it is.

Open Door #5

Getting funding is crucial for every developer, and for new developers in particular it can be an area they’re concerned about. On this show, we get to grips with CEO and co-founder of peer-to-peer lender Crowd Property, Mike Bristow, who explains not only why crowdfunding solutions are very friendly toward new developers, they can also offer a highly competitive and more customer-centric experience than commercial lenders.

We reckon Mike’s enthusiastic and compelling approach will be bound to pique your interest – both as a developer and an investor!

Open Door #4

Here at propertyCEO we critique every student’s website, and we’ve seen quite a few over the years. In this show, Ian reveals the five most common website mistakes he sees property people make, and explains why having a great website is so critical, particularly for someone who’s new to development. We also ask exactly how small is ‘small-scale’ development, and what sort of profits can you expect to make?

And, if that weren’t enough, we get a frankly alarming glimpse into the biscuit storage facility that currently doubles up as the propertyCEO recording studio.

Open Door #3

Yet another amazing guest on the show – this time it’s Duane Walker of commercial agents and valuation experts Primmer Olds BAS If you want to know where the commercial, industrial and retail markets are heading, where the best opportunities are likely to be, and what’s the best way to get into an agent’s little black book of preferred buyers, then this is definitely the show for you!

As ever, some great questions from Open Door’s loyal followers, plus a behind the scenes glimpse of the petty squabbling that goes into the making of every Open Door show. Enjoy!

Open Door #2

There was no messing on this one – we were straight in with a very common question: what experience do you need to be able to do small-scale property development? And does it help if you’ve invested in property before?

We were also asked what influence the regional coronavirus ‘R’ values should have on what, when, and where we develop property. Was there some banter? And possibly a few low blows thrown by both the presenters and the audience? You’ll just have to watch to find out…

Open Door #1

What a start to the new and improved Open Door show! There were virtual sombreros, a suspicion of fake tan, plus Ian got an upgraded set to work in – almost no expense was spared in bringing you the most positive 45 minutes of property talk out there!

Ian also introduced us to Esmeralda – the story that amply demonstrates why small-scale property development is the perfect solution for landlords and property investors looking to supercharge their portfolio growth. Have you considered becoming a landlord-developer?

Back in the day, our Open Door shows were called Support Sessions – you can watch them all, below:

Session 14

An emotional moment as the guys host their last ever Support Session. Some more great questions, including what to do if you’re having difficulty getting started on a new business venture, and how can you decide whether a new venture is right for you.

But, like a phoenix from the flames, your hosts will be returning in the form of the all-new Open Door sessions, with more banter, biscuits, and of course, answers to all your questions.

Session 13

Meet Sam Beddoe, head of Revive Holdings and former frontline police detective turned property developer. Having successfully turned her hand to single lets, HMOs, and Serviced Accommodation, find out what made Sam embark down the property development route. What were the things she found hardest, and what advice would she give to anyone else thinking about getting into development?

In other news, things have escalated on the dog training front, as four-legged Clapson junior sets the bar high with his book promotion photoshoot. Can the inexperienced Child hound possibly rival that?

Session 12

Wow, we covered a lot of ground in this one! You asked us how to look appealing to commercial lenders and private investors – not always easy if you’ve never done it before. And should you use the services of an interior designer, even if you’re only building billy-basic flats? Tons of questions – and tons of answers.

Some seasoned viewers were also thrown by Ian and Ritchie sitting on opposite sides of the screen for this session (these guys really know how to mix it up). Just one of the many reasons you won’t be confusing them with Ant and Dec anytime soon.

Session 11

In this session, we look at a range of different issues. What can you do if you’re struggling a little with your self-confidence right now? What’s happening in the world of commercial lending, and could modular construction play a bigger role in construction going forward.

And a very topical one – how do you manage the current storm of emails, virtual meetings, networking sessions, Facebook groups, and other social media activity when there’s so much going on?

Session 10

Some great questions from a knowledge-hungry audience! Like what three things do you need to have in place before you start developing property? And how do you keep nervous private investors interested at a time when there’s so much uncertainty around?

These and many other questions are answered in a session which also included dog-envy, some hair-baiting from the audience, but refreshingly no mention of biscuits.

Session 9

A rare opportunity to get the inside track on what estate agents are thinking right now. What do they make of the market conditions, and better still, how can you get in their little black book and put yourself in the best place for learning about new opportunities before they reach the market?

Today the guys are joined by leading independent estate agent, Andrew Furnell of Taylor, Hill and Bond, who answers some challenging questions and gives us the low down on where the market might be heading and what could lie around the corner.

Session 8

Want to know the five biggest mistakes people make with their elevator pitches (and why it’s SO important to get it right)?

Ian also explains why development is a good fit for existing property investors and landlords and shines a light on co-living, while Ritchie explains why targeting the ‘need’ market rather than the ‘want’ market is such a good strategy.

Session 7

A great opportunity to get an insight into what’s happening at the coalface in property development, as Dan Stiles of DDS Consulting reports on what project managers and cost consultants are seeing in the industry, and how the future is likely to shape up.

In other news, Ian has a stab at predicting what sort of exit curve we’re likely to see for the recession, while Ritchie makes some unwarranted comments about haircuts and uses a marathon-running analogy that fooled absolutely no one.

Session 6

More questions and answers from the fascinating world of property development, plus Ian gives some great tips on how you can use your body to make yourself happier and more successful.

Ritchie also talks about the considerations when looking at projects in Special Protection Areas and other sites and areas with planning restrictions in place.

Session 5

What’s the future of planning? And where will the big opportunities be in small scale property development over the coming months and years?

In this session we’re joined by Colin Smith of CJS Planning Services who casts a light on all things planning-related, while answering some great questions from the audience.

If you need help with any planning questions, you can contact Colin through his website

Session 4

This session takes a look at how we can all be more productive now that we find ourselves cooped up indoors, working from home. We also share thoughts on what things you should consider if you’re thinking about doing your first project, and what you can be doing NOW to get a competitive edge.

There’s also a complete over-reaction from one of the presenters who seems to be a bit touchy in the follicle department, although you might not spot it.

Session 3

Are you up for taking the 1K Challenge? In this session, Ian shares some great practical ideas on how we can save some serious amounts of cash in these challenging times – better still, it only takes a few hours of your time to accomplish. Wearing his deeply suspect IT Director’s badge, Ritchie eventually manages to get a handle on the IT and invites Dan Stiles of leading project management company and cost consultancy, DDS Consulting, on the line to get some insight on what’s happening right now with development costs in the market.

And Ian makes a special effort to dress up for the occasion only to come in for some harsh criticism from the fashionistas in the audience.

Session 2

As we enter a recession what will happen to our town centres, and how does this present an opportunity for people looking to get into property development? Ritchie shares his thoughts on what will happen next, explaining why he thinks there’s a big opportunity on the horizon. In other news, Ian tells us what we can do to get ourselves in the best possible financial shape NOW, as we go through some really tough times, whether we’re business owners or employees.

The crowd got in on the act early on, with some predictable biscuit references and ‘which one’s Dec?’ comments. But, aside from a borderline-offensive Saint and Greavsie comment by a known troublemaker, the attendees were otherwise in fine fettle.

Session 1

In this, the first of the propertyCEO Support Sessions, Ritchie talks us through some of the opportunities that are likely to be around the corner in the world of property development, while Ian shares ten great tips for making the most of the additional time we all now have as a result of the coronavirus lock-down, regardless of what business or job you’re in.

For some reason, there are also a number of biscuit references from what we assume were a fairly hungry audience.